Coffee Stain



Wellness for when your coffee is cold, the days are long & the years are short.

Science-based lifestyle & nutrition information, and how to apply it in real (busy) life.





Looking at the why behind the symptoms

"When I talk about chronic illness, I’m not talking about the flu. I’m not even talking about “lifestyle” illnesses like cancer or type 2 diabetes. I’m talking about constant and unremitting signs and symptoms— from rashes to joint pain to depression to fatigue—that don’t seem connected but absolutely are. These are symptoms, and even named diagnoses, that the standard treatments alone can’t address. While these expressions are all too often chalked up to choices, they’re far more influenced by the interrelationships between psychology between signs and symptoms, between history and


Close-Up Shot of a Person Holding a Wooden Tray with Sliced Avocados
Toast with Bananas on a Plate Flatlay

"Additional autoimmune diagnoses are discovered each year. And of the millions living and coping with autoimmune disease, more than 75% of them are women. That’s approximately 1 in 12 women afflicted with distressing symptoms. That’s why we cannot stop with or wait for the diagnosis. Relief doesn’t come easily. There is no one pill. There’s no fool-proof diet or protocol."

-Andrea Nakayama

Founder, Functional Nutrition Lab

The Gap in Care

Physicians have a vantage point of viewing the person as a whole, and certainly value the role of diet and lifestyle in the treatment plan, yet they typically don't have the luxury of time to address every detail and provide ongoing support through their implementation.

This often leaves you to navigate factors like habit change, understanding the impact of daily choices on your own body’s systems, sociological or economic factors that

prevent you from executing and/or staying consistent, or even how to pivot when a protocol doesn’t go as expected.




Woman Sleeping In

Fillling the Gap

My goal is to not only give you tools to reduce your symptoms, but to work together to figure out why they started.

Understanding the why, and learning how make meaningful, sustainable changes that work for you and your family are the keys to improving your health for the long term.

I want you to be able to confidently make decisions every day that benefit you and your family.

I will "meet you where you are" in life, in order to make sure my recommendations are appropriate for you. Keeping in mind;




Dawn Brenie BSc. CAT(C), CFNC

Instagram Outline Logo

About Me

I have always had an interest in the cause of my own symptoms, as well as my daughter's, diving deep into any information I could get my hands on (triggers for my skin, her sleep patterns, all of it!) After our second child was born, I developed heart palpitations, swelling and hives that seemed to come and go in waves, constant brain fog & fatigue and I finally had enough. I knew there was more to it and I wasn't looking for a pill to fix it.

I worked with a Naturopath and my doctor, but I still needed more information and support to make the right changes.

I completed the Functional Nutrition Counselor certification, which addressed how food and lifestyle factors affect disease, explaining it through anatomy and physiology and now allows me to help others fill this gap in their health.

The Wellness Support Program

One on One Counselling

An 8 week program taking you from struggling to thriving

so you can get back to

enjoying all the memories in this season...

even the chaotic one where your coffee always gets cold

Hand Drawn Heart

Are you too tired to play with your kiddos after dinner, but then toss and turn at night instead of getting a good deep sleep?

Do you find yourself walking into a room and forgetting why you went in the first place?

Do you deal with painful and disruptive periods, with migraines, constipation, or extreme cravings leading up to it?

Are you doing everything "right" and still not able to lose weight?

Or maybe you've been given a diagnosis and left to figure it out on your own?

I had the same struggles, so I learned everything I could and created this program for you because I've been there too!

Here's what you'll get

when you work with me in the

Wellness Support Program...

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The Assessment

We will spend some time here taking an in-depth look at your history to make sure

the root causes of your concerns are addressed.

This includes a 90 minute One on One Review of your Medical History.

Together we will establish your main health concerns and be clear on your goals with this program and beyond!

Recommendations may cover nutrition (what to reduce and what to get more of), environment (exposures or products used), lifestyle (sleep, stress, etc.), and supplements if necessary.

I will share with you specific and realistic actions to take in order to start seeing and feeling positive results - more energy, skin clearing, stronger body - whatever your goals may be!

The Support

Once you've been given personalized recommendations and education,

here's the best part;

This isn't a "set it and forget it" protocol. Your needs will change over time, and questions will always come up once you start implementing these in real life!

  • We will have a scheduled check-in together 1 week after your assessment. This is a great time to get more clarity on any of the recommendations.

  • At the 4-week and 8-week mark, we will have follow-ups together to review progress and make adjustments - to make sure you get the most out of this program!

  • And finally (what my clients love the most) is personalized text message support (with me!) throughout the 8 weeks. Looking for ways to actually eat more of a certain food? Not sure what those ingredients mean? Thinking about intermittent fasting? Wondering what a symptom could be trying to tell you? I've got you.

you'll be supported.

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All sessions are conducted virtually by phone or video.

Ongoing text message support - messages are checked Monday, Wednesday & Thursday evenings, sometimes more!

Raise your hands if you support diversity

Ready to get started?

Set up a free 15 min call with me below, and let's chat to see if a lifestyle, environment, nutrition and supplement program is right for you!

Contact Information


Fort McMurray, Alberta

Tea and Bread on a Tray